

Page history last edited by Doug Achterman 16 years, 3 months ago



List your school's name, its address, your name, the date, and the library service (below) you're describing. Then tell your story about how what happens in your library program that helps students be more successful.  


Library Services:


1. Offered a program of curriculum-integrated information literacy instruction.

2. Informally instructed students in the use of resources.

3. Planned or conducted workshops for teachers.

4. Assisted school curriculum committee with recommendations

5. Collaborated with teachers to develop, implement, and evaluate student learning 

6. Provided reference assistance to students and teachers.

7. Provided reading, listening, and viewing guidance for students.

8. Provided instruction on Internet searching and research

9. Other


Begin adding here:


School Name:

School Address:

Your Name:


Library Service:

Your story:


School Name:

School Address:

Your Name:


Library Service:

Your story:


School Name:

School Address:

Your Name:


Library Service:

Your story:


School Name:

School Address:

Your Name:


Library Service:

Your story:


School Name:

School Address:

Your Name:


Library Service:

Your story:

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