List your school's name, its address, your name, the date, and the library service (below) you're describing. Then tell your story about how what happens in your library program that helps students be more successful.
Library Services:
1. Offered a program of curriculum-integrated information literacy instruction.
2. Informally instructed students in the use of resources.
3. Planned or conducted workshops for teachers.
4. Assisted school curriculum committee with recommendations
5. Collaborated with teachers to develop, implement, and evaluate student learning
6. Provided reference assistance to students and teachers.
7. Provided reading, listening, and viewing guidance for students.
8. Provided instruction on Internet searching and research
9. Other
Begin adding here:
School Name:
School Address:
Your Name:
Date: 3/2009
Library Service: Offered a program of curriculum-integrated information literacy instruction.
Collaborated with teachers to develop, implement, and evaluate student learning
Your story:
I have one of the strongest programs you’ll find anywhere on collaborate teaching in the library. Published books are PRACTICAL STEPS TO THE RESEARCH PROCESS/ libraries unlimited I actually teach this system, and continually improve it, on a daily basis, my students are taught a process of research that imbeds info library skills and strategies into content- area standards, Fridays are exclusively devoted to literature activities such as book talks, dewey author appreciation, and book check out.
Ways to measure the impact:
I can demonstrate it through the research packets that teachers collect and lure as part of their final project grade. They really understand the value of research instruction to the point of insisting it be partly of their yearly pacing chart for my core department- science, through which I teach every student in my small school.
School Name: Corona High
School Address:
Your Name: Norma St. Clair
Date: 3/2009
Library Service: Provided instruction on Internet searching and research
Your story:
Work cited pages : informal polling of students/classes before & after TL instruction.
Research resources handout & Instruction before assignments/ research projects and individual student assistance. This instruction improves learning by increasing source quality (accuracy, authority, currency, for assignments/projects/research)
School Name: La Sierra HS
School Address:
Your Name: Robert DeBuse
Date: 3/2009
Library Service: Provided reading, listening, and viewing guidance for students.
Your story:
I constantly provide guidance for students and teachers/classes. Students ask for guidance or even recommend books for me. I encourage classes to come regularly to exchange their reading books for new ones. The exchange time provides a great opportunity for reader guidance. Destiny (FOLLETT) catalog provides a place to post students reader collaboration of what books they like.
Ways to Measure this:
Destiny circulation stats # of classes coming to the library for book checkout
School Name:
School Address:
Your Name:
Library Service:
Your story:
School Name:
School Address:
Your Name:
Library Service:
Your story:
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