List your school's name, its address, your name, the date, and the library service (below) you're describing. Then tell your story about how what happens in your library program that helps students be more successful.
List your school's name, its address, your name, the date, and the library service (below) you're describing. Then tell your story about how what happens in your library program that helps students be more successful.
Library Services:
1. Offered a program of curriculum-integrated information literacy instruction.
2. Informally instructed students in the use of resources.
3. Planned or conducted workshops for teachers.
4. Assisted school curriculum committee with recommendations
5. Collaborated with teachers to develop, implement, and evaluate student learning
6. Provided reference assistance to students and teachers.
7. Provided reading, listening, and viewing guidance for students.
8. Provided instruction on Internet searching and research
9. Other
JSerra Catholic High School (San Juan Capistrano, CA)
Jeanne Swedo, MLIS
Library Media Specialist
ALA LIRT Transitions to College committee member
LILi, NCEA, Cath Lib Assn., AASL, CUE
Founder: South Orange County School Libraries Collaborative
February 28, 2009
Library Services:
JSerra's information literacy program is a highly collaborative, team teaching approach with classroom or library-based instruction in partnership with classroom faculty. Programs are based on special request or selected from the Library Course Catalog.
I am a solo librarian serving a student population of 1,050 and a faculty of 50. I also offer weekend reference and research support to students via email. This is proving to be quite popular with students who need help with special research projects.
The JSerra Library Instruction Course Catalog is under development and includes webquests, directed research projects, and special projects designed to suit particular units of instruction by special request. The catalog also includes professional development workshops for faculty, including courses on technology integration and PLNs. At present, we have a PLN workshop planned for faculty. Next year, I have submitted a request to join with 4 faculty members as a PLP cohort.
I am a new member of our Curriculum Committee and hope to assist with information literacy standards integration.
I am an active member of several professional organizations and have found that by being actively involved, I am better informed and able to assist my faculty.
I recently founded the South Orange County School Libraries Collaborative. This is an outgrowth of my work on the national ALA LIRT committee. At some point, I hope that these types of collaboratives will spread across California and eventually tie into LILi. LILi stands for Lifelong Information Literacy and was founded by Esther Grassian of UCLA. Esther is an adjunct faculty member and Information Literacy Librarian.
I am interested in talking to librarians from all over California about what they do in their school library.
School Name: Huntington Beach High School & Edison High School
School Address:
Your Name: Lydia Smith Davis
Date: 03/2009
Library Service:
Your story:
Things I do to provide this service:
--Recommend Database and online resourcing YA Lit New releases, playaways, DVD’s related to content standards.
*Provide focused attention to the info and reading needs of students, staff, and community. Maintain website with related guidance (library portal)
Ways I can measure the impact of my contribution:
Bibliographies, works cited pages, book reports, AR Quiz/Results, return visits to the library.
(Circ stats)( gate counts) (patron usage statistics)
Because I work a split assignment at two different high schools, I provide library portals at both sites giving students 24/7 access to the library OPACS, Online Resources and links to Citation Machine, etc. The BEST thing I do is KNOWING patronage, their interests and needs.
School Name: Westminster School District Office
School Address:
Your Name: Venae Valentin (District librarian)
Date: 3/2009
Library Service: Provided reference assistance to students and teachers.
Your story:
Ways I do this: Recommend lit and support materials –understand content and assessed learning outcomes. –Maintain the resources
Ways to measure the impact:
Compare scores of teachers that utilized these services against those that did not
Our School sites are stuffed by library media assistants that provide check in/out services We work with teachers requesting support materials, or recommendations. We also prepare collection development and to principals for approval some LMA’s have staff recommendations.
School Name:
School Address:
Your Name:
Library Service:
Your story:
Providing reading, listening, and viewing guidance for students and teachers
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