


List your school's name, its address, your name, the date, and the library service (below) you're describing. Then tell your story about how what happens in your library program that helps students be more successful.  


Library Services:


1. Offered a program of curriculum-integrated information literacy instruction.

2. Informally instructed students in the use of resources.

3. Planned or conducted workshops for teachers.

4. Assisted school curriculum committee with recommendations

5. Collaborated with teachers to develop, implement, and evaluate student learning 

6. Provided reference assistance to students and teachers.

7. Provided reading, listening, and viewing guidance for students.

8. Provided instruction on Internet searching and research

9. Other


Begin adding here:


School Name: Vintage High School

School Address: 1375 Trower Avenue

Your Name: Ann Sperske

Date: February 14, 2009

Library Service: #8 Providing Internet/Research Instruction

Your story: Senior Projects roll around every spring and I speak to most senior English classes. For every topic, I have a list of books, organizations, databases and websites for students to use. Where is that list? In my head. I have worked with students for so long that I go to sleep thinking of resources they can use. I do create lesson plans that outline the research process (differentiated for each level of student), powerpoint to explain the perils of plagiarism, webportals and wikis and blogs that I offer for comparison,  instruct the value of citation with noodletools, teach RSS feeds to students who need up-to-the-minute information on topics like immigration, the budget process or youth specific laws but the best information comes from one-on-one conversations with students. I can lead them to what they need, show each how to sift through the nonsense and get to the core of the data and empower them with the skills to do it again.... on their own, without me. Senior projects are not about "googling it" they involve so much more and without my persistence, some students would go about the process with wikipedia as the main documented source.


School Name: Vintage High School

School Address: 1375 Trower Avenue

Your Name: Ann Sperske

Date: Feb 18, 2009

Library Service: one-on-one instruction #2

Your story: One teacher has reserved the library once a week so we can work with her EL students on book selection and senior research projects. Today, I watched as two of the students struggled with finding resources on immigration. Both students have limited English skills. Since I know some spanish and I know there are spanish language databases available from San Francisco Public Library, I was able to direct both students to sites that would help them. Using some spanish to explain it and some English also, I was able to show each how to sign up for a library card and access the spanish language databases. Boy, did their faces light up when they saw that information could be retrieved in spanish. I know they need to learn English but those databases are difficult to navigate even for seasoned students. They still need to synthesize the data into their senior project essays in English but if they can find what they need in spanish, more power to them. It's a good thing. And they both didn't give up! Just another day in our library.... to be posted on my own library blog.


School Name:

School Address:

Your Name:


Library Service:

Your story:


School Name:

School Address:

Your Name:


Library Service:

Your story:


School Name:

School Address:

Your Name:


Library Service:

Your story: